എങ്ങനെ ശരിയായ ഹോസ്റ്റിങ് പ്ലാൻ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാം?

Hosting നെ പറ്റി പലരും പറയുന്നത് മുഴുവനായി ശരിയല്ല എന്നാണ് എൻ്റെ അനുഭവവും അഭിപ്രായവും. ഏതാണ് മികച്ച വെബ് ഹോസ്റ്റിങ് പ്ലാൻ എന്നത് വളരെ വേഗത്തിൽ ഉത്തരം നൽകാൻ പറ്റുന്ന ഒരു ചോദ്യമല്ല എന്നാണ് ഞാൻ കരുതുന്നത്. അത് എന്തുകൊണ്ടാണെന്നാണ് ഈ വിഡിയോയിൽ പറയുന്നത്.

Recommending a hosting company or a hosting plan is not an easy task. Bloggers especially beginners are more concerned about the hosing plan and they repeatedly asking about this. They are usually looking for the best hosting plan with cheap pricing and certain unlimited features. Since the hosting industry has tremendous growth in the past few years, a lot of businesses have come out with hosting services. Hence the selection became more complicated.

Different Web developers and bloggers have different opinions about the various hosting company and they are actually floating from one service to another when their preferences change. So before selecting a particular hosting company or endorsing the same, you must understand the real facts about the hosting plans. Selecting the plan with some unlimited feature is not an advisable practice as it will not bring any advantage to the blogger or website owner.

About the author

Digital Marketing Expert from Kerala India and at the same time a creative writer, graphic designer, and motivator having 15+ years of experience. He is more interested in Personal Branding and SEO even though he deals with all types of Digital Branding and copywriting.

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