എന്തൊക്കെയാണ് 2021 ൽ SEO യുടെ പ്രത്യേകതകൾ

When technological advancement happens in the web world, it will be automatically affected in search results also. The way we use the search engine has changed a lot hence Search Engines especially Google is working hard to pull up the most accurate and relevant information to the top of their search results. This is only possible through the strict and unbiased implementation of search algorithms.

Experts in the SEO field say that nearly 5 to 8 algorithm changes are happening daily on Google. Hence a web developer or an optimizer cannot follow the algorithms as easy as earlier. Now Search Engine Optimization or SEO is mainly based on how and to what extent the Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps the search engines to give post relevant information. The

importance and use of Google Assistant the popular voice assist platform are increasing day by day. Hence the mode of search query has also been changed and the results are in the form of audio instead of text content. So when we think of SEO in a new era we must give importance for audio and video contents.

How the Search Engines see the images in such a way that it is the part of the content and the images that give a lot of information to the readers will also help the content to be displayed in search. That means a well-designed banner or graphical representation will boost you SEO in the changed scenario.

About the author

Digital Marketing Expert from Kerala India and at the same time a creative writer, graphic designer, and motivator having 15+ years of experience. He is more interested in Personal Branding and SEO even though he deals with all types of Digital Branding and copywriting.

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